- Sponsor memberships are not restricted to Canada.*
- Includes three full access memberships and one vote at the AGM. Voting rights may be limited for non-Canadian Sponsors.*
- Sponsors are provided with Sponsor level clearance for three individuals to access the member’s page and membership portal.
- Promotion on behalf of Sponsors will be offered through website links/logos, newsletters, podcast interviews and publications as these come available. The Sponsor’s Corporate Logo will be profiled in the Sponsors section of the website. Content of promotion material will be subject to our approval.
- Approved Sponsors will have access to our International Advisory Council, technical resources, engineering studies, FECC governance, FECC policies, FECC business correspondence, access to information about projects in progress, proposals, business cases, strategies and director’s meeting minutes. The Sponsor Member may be required to sign an NDA to secure access. These items will be in addition to what is provided to the Individual and Corporate Members.
*Subject to our membership terms and conditions and a manual approval process at the discretion of FECC.