Fusion: The Ultimate Energy Source; by Professor Allan Offenberger
Fusion energy is the greatest technological challenge for humankind says Allan Offenberger, Professor Emeritus of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Alberta. Fusion, the source of energy in our sun and stars, can provide the clean, sustainable base load energy required to power our future in electricity, heat and hydrogen for stationary and mobile applications. Professor Offenberger gave this presentation about fusion on September 18, 2021. He was the Founding President of the Alberta/Canada Fusion Technology Alliance, now renamed the Fusion Energy Council of Canada. His research program for more than 40 years was focused on the development of high-power lasers and their application to plasma physics and inertial fusion energy research.
Watch this webinar here

KEI, in collaboration with Troy Media, arranged webinars on decarbonization (click here),
including two presentations related to fusion by Axel Meisen (click here)
and Klaas Rodenburg (click here)
Canada: A World Leader In Tritium Management
The demand for both tritium and tritium handling systems is expected to increase substantially over the coming years driven by scientific research and demonstration plants aimed at making fusion energy a commercial reality. The multi-national ITER project in France and demonstration fusion facilities envisaged in North America, and the UK will require reliable sources of tritium over the next five years and beyond.
Starting with an outline of tritium uses in fusion reactors and tritium fundamentals, the webinar will provide an overview of Canada’s leading-edge and proven expertise in tritium management and technologies. The webinar will be of interest to tritium producers, users, technology providers, researchers, and government agencies and will include speakers:
- Michel Laberge, Founder & Chief Scientist, General Fusion
- George Carlin, DNGS Tritium Removal Facility, OPG
- Ian Castillo, Head of Directorate – Hydrogen and Tritium Technologies, CNL
- Vince Robinson, President, Tyne Engineering Inc.
- Ian Bonnett, ITritium Plant Section Leader, ITER
To view this webinar please contact our partners at www.ocni.ca
US NASEM Fusion Debrief with FECC & OCNI
The Fusion Energy Council of Canada (FECC) and the Organization of Canadian Nuclear Industries (OCNI) is pleased to present a special debriefing on a milestone report regarding fusion energy.
Fusion Pilot Plant Briefing_Canada 2021 PowerPoint
In 2020 the US National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) assembled a committee to provide guidance to the U.S. Department of Energy, and others, that are aligned with the objective of constructing a pilot plant in the United States that produces electricity from fusion at the lowest possible capital cost, i.e. a “Fusion Pilot Plant”. The report’s finding will be presented by three of the committee members, followed by a Q&A session with participants. The primary recommendation of the study is that “For the United States to be a leader in fusion and to make an impact on the transition to a low-carbon emission electrical system by 2050, the Department of Energy and the private sector should produce net electricity in a fusion pilot plant in the United States in the 2035—2040 timeframe.”
Presenters from the US NASEM committee include:
R. J. Hawryluk, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
K. McCarthy, Oak Ridge National Lab, Director US-ITER
D. Whyte, MIT, Director Plasma Science & Fusion Center
and joining the discussion
M. Campbell, U. Rochester, Director Laboratory for Laser Energetics
To learn about the challenges of harnessing nuclear fusion and about the almost limitless energy that fusion can bring to future generations, watch the first Fusion event under the auspices of the FECC-OCNI MOU signed on March 11, 2021.
Given the extraordinary clean-energy production potential of fusion, the webinar starts with a comparative overview of fission and fusion fundamentals. The scientific and technical challenges of fusion energy production are then objectively characterized. Followed by an outline at a high level of the implications of fusion energy deployment and uses for business, government, and the environment, together with their opportunities and risks.
The presentation, given by Dr. Axel Meisen (FECC Interim President) and Dr. Robert Fedosejevs (FECC Board Member at Large and Professor, University of Alberta) is followed by a question-and-answer session, in which Allan Offenberger (Professor Emeritus, University of Alberta and Founding President, Fusion Energy Council of Canada).
Watch Webinar Here: