Entries by Mark Cherkowski

Dr. David Jackson

The passing of Dr. David Jackson is noted with sadness. David was a key leader of Canada’s early fusion initiatives. He maintained his unwavering support for the development of fusion energy in Canada even after the Government of Canada decided to discontinue its targeted support for fusion. His obituary contains the following additional information. David […]

Dr. Kirk H. Michaelian

Dr. Kirk H. Michaelian, FECC Board member, passed away in early 2022 shortly after his retirement from many years of service with the Government of Canada. Kirk had an outstanding career as a scientist and engineer, having made extraordinary contributions to analytical sciences. His interests in fusion were broad and he gave freely of his […]

Club de Paris Speech 2022

Presentation by Axel Meisen ‘Nuclear Fusion: Progress, Prospects, and Innovation Opportunities’ to the Club de Paris on June 21, 2022. This presentation provides an overview of Fusion, with an emphasis on less known possibilities.  It is an extension of the presentation given in the CNS 2022 Annual Conference. (Click here to access the power point […]