E. Michael Campbell
Director, Laboratory for Laser Energetics, University of Rochester

Dr. Campbell is an internationally known expert in inertial fusion, high-energy-density physics, high-power lasers and their applications, and advanced energy technologies including Generation IV nuclear fission reactors and biofuels. He has won numerous awards including the Department of Energy’s E. O. Lawrence Award, the American Nuclear Society’s Edward Teller Award, the American Physical Society’s John Dawson Award, the Department of Energy’s Excellence in Weapons Research Award, and the Leadership Award of Fusion Power Associates. He is a Fellow of the Optical Society of America,  American Physical Society, and the European Institute of Physics. He has published over 200 articles in scientific journals and holds five patents including the design of the first laboratory x-ray laser. He has given numerous invited and plenary talks at both national and international conferences. He is the originator of the Inertial Fusion Science and Applications Conference.

Dr. Campbell has been a member of numerous committees providing advice and strategy, including the Department of Defense, Missile Defense Agency, National Academy of Sciences, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Berkeley National Laboratory, University of Texas, the National Research Council of Canada, Missile Defense Agency, and Lockheed Martin Corporation. He served on the Board of Evans and Sutherland Corporation and has worked in various scientific and leadership positions at both federal laboratories and the private sector including Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, General Atomics, Logos Technologies, and Sandia National Laboratories. He has received his degrees from the University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University, and the University of Western Sydney.

Robert Fedosejevs, PhD, P.Eng
Past Director, Fusion Energy Council of Canada
Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Alberta

Robert Fedosejevs is a full Professor Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Alberta.  He has carried out research related to fusion energy and applications of laser produced plasmas at the University of Alberta since he joined the University in 1980.  He received his B.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Physics from the University of Toronto in 1973 and 1979 respectively. He has been a research collaborator with numerous institutions around the world including the Max Planck Institute in Germany, the Center for Intense Lasers (CELIA) in France and the Center for Ultrashort Pulsed Lasers (CLPU) in Spain.  He has held positions of Senior Industrial Research Chair in Lasers and Applications at the Univeristy of Alberta, Scientific Director of the Canadian Institute for Photonic Innovations (a federally funded national research network in photonics) and President of the Canadian Association of Physicists. He also has organized international conferences including the International Conference on Plasma Science in 2002.  He has published over 250 scientific articles, given 70 invited talks and contributed to over 330 conference presentations.

Allan A Offenberger, PhD
Past President, Fusion Energy Council of Canada
Professor Emeritus of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Alberta

Allan Offenberger is Professor Emeritus of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Alberta.  He received his B.A.Sc. and M.A.Sc. degrees (1962, 1963) from the University of British Columbia and Ph.D. degree (1968) from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

His research program for more than 40 years was focused on the development of high power lasers and their application to plasma physics and inertial fusion energy research.  He has published extensively and given many invited talks at international conferences, universities, government and industrial laboratories as well as to service and other non-governmental organizations in Asia, Europe and North America.

He is a Past President of the Canadian Association of Physicists and has served on many scientific advisory & research grant committees and boards, as a consultant to university, government & industrial institutions and, as a reviewer for research proposals, publications, university appointments & promotions.

Allan has been a guest professor and consultant at, among others: UK Atomic Energy Agency-Culham Laboratory; University of California-Los Alamos National Laboratory; Oxford University-Rutherford Appleton Laboratory; University of California-Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and; Osaka University-Institute of Laser Engineering (major labs for laser development and fusion energy R&D).

Allan was the Founding President of the Alberta/Canada Fusion Technology Alliance.

Dennis G. Whyte
Hitachi America Professor of Engineering;
Director, MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center
Professor, Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering

A recognized leader in fusion research, Whyte’s research in the magnetic confinement of plasmas sets us on an innovative and faster path to producing fusion energy. He is one of the leaders of the SPARC project, a collaboration between Commonwealth Fusion Systems and MIT, to design and build a high-field fusion device to demonstrate net energy production for the first time. Many of the technology approaches underpinning the high-field approach to fusion energy, including SPARC, were formed over the last decade in his MIT fusion design class: utilizing magnets from high-temperature superconductors, demountable magnets for modular assembly and maintenance, and liquid immersion blankets for robust energy removal. He is a fellow of the American Physical Society, has served on panels for the National Academies and Royal Society, and has won the Fusion Power Associates Leadership Award and the 2013 Nuclear Fusion Prize. His is a co-founder of Commonwealth Fusion Systems, whose goal is the rapid commercialization of fusion energy to tackle climate change. Whyte earned his BS and PhD in Canada.

Chijin Xiao, Ph.D., P. Phys.
Past Director and Treasurer, Fusion Energy Council of Canada
Professor, University of Saskatchewan

Dr. Xiao’s research interests are plasma physics, controlled thermonuclear fusion, and applied plasma physics and technology. In collaboration Professor A. Hirose, Dr. Xiao has carried out various experiments on the Saskatchewan TORus-Modified (STOR-M) tokamak, the University of Saskatchewan Compact Torus Injector (USCTI) and the University of Saskatchewan Dense Plasma Focus (UofS-DPF) device.

Tokamak Plasma Transport: H-mode (improved confinement) discharge studies has contributed to better understanding of the fluctuation induced transport in a tokamak. The ohmic H-modes in STOR-M are induced by a short current pulse, electrode biasing, limited biasing, and compact torus injection.

Compact Torus Injector: Compact torus injection is an emerging new technique to fuel a large tokamak. Dr. Xiao has been responsible for design and fabrication of the University of Saskatchewan Compact Torus Injector. Tangential CT injection into STOR-M has triggered H-mode without disruption.

AC Tokamak Operation: Dr. Xiao has participated alternating current tokamak operation experiments on STOR-M. AC tokamak operation has advantages over conventional unipolar current operation because of effective Ohmic heating in a reactor.

Plasma Diagnostics: Dr. Xiao has expertise in plasma diagnostic instruments including Langmuir probes, magnetic probes, microwave and He-Ne laser interferometers, neutral beam, SXR detectors, spectroscopy, and pulsed power supply technology.

Plasma-Wall Interactions: Dr. Xiao is also working on studies of damages of tungsten samples in tokamak and modification of tungsten samples in a helium filled dese plasma focus device. In addition, behaviours of dispersed tungsten micro-particles in the STOR-M tokamak is being also studied.

Dr. Xiao served as the chair of the Plasma Physics Division, CAP, and the treasurer of Fusion Energy Council of Canada. He is currently one of the editors of Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids-Incorporating Plasma Science and Plasma Technology and a member of the editorial board of Plasma Science and Technology.

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